Monday, May 28, 2007

Squid Fishing with Sam SamExternal Link

I am so pleased to have my swore-sister Samantha invited me for a boat trip with her husband Gary and their churchmates on the Buddha's Day last Thursday (25/5). We haven't met for a year something since her wedding. I do miss her quite much. They are now a very sweet couple. It's quite fun to watch them.

Returning to the boat trip, the weather was wonder even it was rainly before and after that day. We took a coach bus from Fanling to reach Sai Kung. After arrival to Sai Kung pier, I spared a short while walking along the seafront under the hot sun, while we were waiting for the boat. Less than a half hour later, we were already aboard. Gary led us to sing some Christian songs when we were on the boat. After that, Samantha presented us with a very festive buffet feast. After the first round of food serving, we already reached the squid fishing spot, next to a familiar place HKUST. Some participants started to throw hooks into the water. I took this moment to serve more food. ^.^

Even though the boat trip was titled for squid fishing, I did not truely fish. I enjoyed the feeling staying on the boat, looking at the sea sometimes, watching others fishing with focus. Rather I spent some time to accompany a 8-year old kid... the little Tony and taught him how use the fishing hooks. Later I escalated this duty to Gary. I walked back into the main compartment and had a chat with Auntie Fan (Gary's Aunt) over various topics.

After having 3.5 hours floating on the water, we sailed back to Sai Kung and have the boat trip ended there. After the farewell to Sam and Gary, I spared another walk near the pier and the park. It was so enjoyable to have an ice-cream along the seafront walk. Some night scenes were quite charming. This motivated me to take some pictures there. I experiemented quite a while there to take picture at night, as a side bonus.






[Leisure] Badminton 2007

Monday, May 14, 2007





Thursday, May 03, 2007


